Fall plans

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Well im sure by now most of you have ones who have returned to school.the fall season is my favorite  ,bringing book fairs, halloween and all the holidays. I myself am attending Penned Con,in st.louis, in September.  I cant wait to see old and new friends and gets some new books. I hope everyone has a great fall season and enjoys the wonderful things it brings.

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Sat morning, april 11th

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Hope this finds everyone well and Happy.  I had a late nite dealing with boys and their ddrunken adventures!  At least they all made it home in one piece, only one ended up with a head wound.He fell out of car in my drive way how silly!

My Luna cat ended up outside and stuck in a tree! Didnt find him till after ten this morning, and We finally got him down with a ladder.

Hope rest of wkend goes by uneventful!

Happy Reading and Blessed Blogging!